Sabrina Cheung


Asian American woman smiling, wearing a black lace dress. Professional appearing photo. Hello! I am a sophomore in the School of Media and Journalism at UNC-Chapel Hill. My concentration is declared as advertising, but I intend to switch to editing and graphic design or interactive multimedia. In the future, I would like to work in UX or UI design for virtual reality. My interests are social justice, reading and Comic Sans MS.

Work Experience

Ancient World Mapping Center

I worked at the Ancient World Mapping Center at the Davis Library as a cartographic research assistant for a year. My main project was tracing rivers onto a database through GIS mapping software. I learned a lot and it was a very rewarding experience!

My other tasks included, in terms of priority:

  1. Working with the director to create map commission requests from researchers from other universities
  2. Digilizing and retracing ancient rivers in France and Spain
  3. Assisting the Classical Atlas Project with database organization and entry
  4. Compiling data for side projects such as the nun Egeria's travels

Unfortunately, I did not get a work-study offer from Federal Student Aid this year, so I didn’t return to the AWMC.

Extracurricular Activities

UNC alpha Kappa Delta Phi ("aKDPhi")

I serve as VP-Service on the executive board of UNC alpha Kappa Delta Phi, an Asian-interest sorority. Coordinating service activities is a really gratifying experience. Our main service events differ from semester to semester. In the fall, we focus on fundraising for the AVON Breast Cancer Crusade, while in the spring we do philanthropy with Relay for Life.

Other Service Activies

This semester I started a period product drive where we collected and donated menstruation products. We’ve also volunteered at Transplanting Traditions Community Farm, which is a space for Burmese refugees.

East Coast Asian American Student Union (ECAASU)

ECAASU is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to inspire, educate and empower Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students. I was on the 2017 Conference Team, working in the sponsorship task force. We reached out to and maintained relations with donors for conference funds. This year’s conference was in Raleigh in February with a turnout of 800 students!


I'm passionate about Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) issues. One day, I hope to be able to work at a nonprofit and combine this with VR/AR technology. I am confident that these technologies will be more and more integrated into everyday life, and I know this career option already exists!

Thanks for visiting!

Website by Sabrina Cheung. Class project for MEJO 221.